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Podcasts are a great way of learning what’s happening in the world of publishing. You’ll also hear from many successful authors and find out about related webinars or conferences (online and offline). 


Joanna Penn’s Podcast

A podcast from one of the most successful and entrepreneurial writers on the scene.

Podcast episodes are posted every Monday and include interviews, inspiration and information on writing and creativity, publishing options, book marketing and creative entrepreneurship.

You can subscribe on RSS, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Android, Stitcher, Spotify or YouTube


Mark Dawson’s The Self-Publishing Show

The Self Publishing Show provides weekly inspiration and education to writers at all stages of their careers.

They say: “We feature interviews with million-selling indie authors, breakout stars from traditional publishing, industry insiders and tech geniuses who show you how to put the incredible tools at our disposal to their best use… Our aim is always the same: provide a ton of value in exchange for an hour of your time.


Six-Figure Authors 

Lindsay Buroker, Jo Lallo, and Andrea Pearson share their experiences and insights as authors who’ve been publishing (very successfully!) for years. They also interview experienced players in the publishing industry and other successful authors.

On this page, you’ll find a list of all their podcasts, with the most recent at the top of the list. 

More Links:

Apple Podcasts

Six Figure Authors YouTube channel