What kind of writer do you want to be? Is your goal to reach the New York Times bestseller list, or just to make a handy income on the side? There is a great deal of advice on the internet. Here are a few articles to help you make up your mind.

Jami Gold is a successful author who won the 2015 National Readers’ Choice Award in Paranormal Romance for the novel Ironclad Devotion in her Mythos Legacy series.
Jami has put together a site full of useful information on Branding and goal planning.
Sample topics: deciding on your goals and priorities, branding issues, entrepreneurship, platform building and ownership, series vs. stand-alone stories, etc.
Holly Lisle’s Tips on Designing Your Writing Career
Holly started selling in 1991, breaking in with with the fantasy novel Fire In The Mist (which won the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel).
She says: “It was a long hard slog between intent and realization. It’s been a rollercoaster ever since.”
Holly’s experiences have helped her to help you!